Connect a Facebook account to multiple Marky businesses
You are in the right place if...
If you have multiple Marky accounts/businesses and multiple Facebook pages but the same Facebook account
Go to and click "connect" next to Facebook
(if you have already connected Facebook) Click "edit previous settings"

Click "opt in to all current and future pages"

At then end of the auth flow, Marky will give you the option to select which page you actually want to post to.

If you have multiple Marky accounts/businesses and multiple Facebook pages but the same Facebook account
Go to and click "connect" next to Facebook
(if you have already connected Facebook) Click "edit previous settings"

Click "opt in to all current and future pages"

At then end of the auth flow, Marky will give you the option to select which page you actually want to post to.

Updated on: 17/07/2024
Thank you!