Articles on: Marky's Features

Supported Image Formats

While Marky prefers PNG or JPEG images, we do support many formats as outlined below.

Marky fully supports the following image file formats in our Image library:

Format NameMIME typeFile extension(s)Notes
BMPimage/bmp.bmpSupported, but not recommended
GIFimage/gif.gifOnly non-animated GIFs are supported
JPEGimage/jpeg.jpg, .jpeg, .jfif, .pjpeg, .pjp
WebPimage/webp.webpOnly non-animated WebP images are supported

Marky currently does not support the following image formats:
APNGs, Animated GIFs, Animated WebPs, AV1, and other "video" or "multi-frame" formats (Support for most of these will be coming with video support; want it sooner? Vote for the issue in our roadmap!)
SVGs (want us to support it? Vote for the issue in our roadmap!)

Updated on: 17/07/2024

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