Uploading Videos
Upload mp4 videos (less than 2 minutes)
Go to posts

Click on “Upload Post” and click or drag the video to upload

Fill or Modify your caption

Add Carousel slides (as needed)
Click "Save To Drafts" or schedule the post
Enjoy the new Upload video feature which is share your own custom videos, while still providing the same great Marky experience.
We hope you enjoy the new Upload video feature.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or our support team.
Josiah, CEO

Go to posts

Click on “Upload Post” and click or drag the video to upload

Fill or Modify your caption

Add Carousel slides (as needed)
Click "Save To Drafts" or schedule the post
Experience upload your own video mp4:
Enjoy the new Upload video feature which is share your own custom videos, while still providing the same great Marky experience.
We hope you enjoy the new Upload video feature.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or our support team.
Josiah, CEO

Updated on: 17/07/2024
Thank you!